
Jumat, 10 Juni 2011

Muslim Women Feature Experts Heaven

Of course, every Muslim woman wants to be an expert Heaven. In essence, women experts Heaven is a woman who obey Allah and His Messenger. All the characteristics are a reflection of obedience that he had. Among the characteristics of women experts Heaven is:

1. 1. Cautious.
2. 2. Believe in Allah, His Angels, His Books, His Apostles, the Day of Resurrection, and believe in the destiny of both the good and bad.
3. Testify that there is no god has the right to be worshiped except Allah, bear witness that Muhammad is His slave and His Messenger, establish prayer, pay the obligatory alms, fasting in the month of Ramadlan, and pilgrimage for those who can afford.
4. Ihsan, which worship God as if he would see God, if he can not see God, he knows that God sees him.
5. Sincere worship solely to God, resignation to God, to love God and His Messenger, fear of adzab God, expect God's grace, repent to Him, and be patient for all the decrees of God and be grateful for all the pleasure given to her.
6. Likes to read the Qur'an and trying to understand it, dhikr remembrance of Allah when alone or with many people and prayed to God alone.
7. Turning amar nahi ma'ruf and unjust to the family and society.
8. Doing good (ihsan) to the neighbors, orphans, poor, and all creatures, and do good to the cattle he owns.
9. Connecting kinship to the people who decide, to give to people, holding a present to herself, and forgive those who mendhaliminya.
10. Berinfak, both when the field and in narrow circumstances, to hold anger and forgive people.
11. Fair in all things and be fair to all beings.
12. Keeping his tongue from words of deceit, false witness and tell the ugliness of others (backbiting).
13. Keep their promises and the mandate given to him.
14. Devoted to both parents.
15. Connecting close relationship with relatives, friends near and far ends.

Similarly, some female traits that we sadur Heaven Experts of the book Majmu 'Fataawa Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Tamiyyah works juz 11 pages 422-423. The characteristics are not a limitation but the characteristics of expert women enter Heaven entirely within the framework of obedience to Allah and His Messenger. Allah Ta'ala says: "... and whoever is obedient to Allah and His Messenger, Allah will put it into Heaven flowing rivers in which they are eternal in it and that's a big victory." (Surah An Nisa ': 13)

Rabu, 08 Juni 2011


In the book Fiqh al-Islami Wa fiqhul Adillatuhu work Dr. Wahbah Az-Zuhaili, mentioned that:

1. Before doing Jima ', the couple was read basmalah. Or read surah Al-Ikhlas (Qul Huwallahu ahad). Also disunnahkan to bertakbir, say laa ilaaha illa, and said a prayer (choose one): "Bismillahil 'aliyyil' Azhim. Allahummaj'al-ha dzurriyyatan Thayyibah. In Kunta Qaddarta an takhruja dzalika min shulbi." (In the name of Allah the Most High and Supreme. O Allah, make him a good descent, if you set them out from sulbiku.)
- Cor jannibnisy syaithana jannibisy syaithana wa maa razaqtani (Abu Daud). (Meaning: O Allah, keep me from the devil and put away what Thou devil of rizqikan me).
2. Not to face Qibla, as a form of homage to the glorious temple.
3. Wear something to cover her body. As the following hadith from 'Atabah Abdi bin As-Sulami that if you came to his wife (berjima'), then let the cover and not naked like two tails himar. (Reported by Ibn Majah)
4. Starting with mula'abah (courtship), hugging or kissing.
5. When you've finished, do not rush to menyudahinya. Because maybe not the same each time.
6. Dimakruhkan to reproduce the conversation at the time are doing it. And should not leave more than 4 days without udzur.
7. If you want to repeat again, let wash farajnya (genitals) and ablution 'again. For thus, can give new strength.
8. Not disunnahkan to do it on certain days such as Monday or Friday. Although there are some scholars who mengajurkannya on Friday.
9. HARAM do Jima 'in the rectum:

* From Abi Hurairah ra. that the Prophet SAW said, "accursed people who fuck women in their anus." (Reported by Ahmad, Abu Dawud and An-Nasai)
* From Amr bin Syu'aib said that Rasulullah SAW said, "People who copulate with women in their anus do liwath (sodomy) small .. (HR Ahmad)

10. HARAM do Jima 'with the wife who was getting menstruating. They ask you about menstruating. Say, "it is a dirt menstruating." Therefore you should stay away from menstruating women at the time, and do not approach them, before they are sacred. If they were sacred, then they were in place campurilah God commanded thee. Truly Allah loves those who repent and loves those who purify themselves .. (Surat al-Baqara: 222)
If making out is not until Jima ', the scholars differed into three:

1. First, the law remains forbidden even just making out alone. The reason is to prevent when to happen Jima 'the truth. They base it as a step-dzari'ah saddan lidz, or preventive action.
2. Secondly, to allow the courtship of origin was not until the Jima '. This basis is the following hadith. From Anas bin Malik. that the Prophet SAW said about men who fondle her while menstruating, "Do all things except marriage / Jima '. (HR Jamaat except Bukhari - Nailul Authar)
3. Third, parents should make but forbidden for youth. Or for those who may be able to withstand shocks lust but forbidden for those who can not help it.

11. Allowed to do 'azl provided with the permission of his wife.
'Azl is revoked genitals immediately before the ejaculation, so as not to conception. This practice occurred in the period in which the companions of the Prophet Muhammad knew it, and he shut it. The scholars allow law 'azl this, because in principle there is no prohibition for that. As long as wives are willing to accept it.
From Jabir said, "We do 'azl in the Prophet is the Qur'an down. (Bukhari and Muslim)
From Jabir said: "We do 'azl in the Prophet, and Apostle heard it but did not forbid it" (Reported by Muslim).

But Ash-Syafi'iyah and Al-Hanabilah as well as several other scholars memakruhkan 'azl, because the Prophet Muhammad once said that' azl is including a hidden murder. But the Imam Al-Ghazali's view that 'azl is allowed if there is a reason, like many children and so forth.

On the basis of ability to do 'azl these scholars allow married couples to take medicine procrastinators pregnancy (contraception), as long as it is temporal. However, if ongoing, they have not forbidden it.

Senin, 16 Mei 2011

NII has distorted Islamic teachings

Movement on behalf of the Indonesian Islamic State (NII) were considered to have done this distortion of Islamic teachings. "They've done the steps that are distortions of the teachings of Islam as a whole, in terms of so-called 'kafah'," said Secretary of the Regional Leadership Council (DPD) LDII Banyumas, Sarlan in Purwokerto.

Indonesian Islamic Propagation Institute Banyumas regency, Central Java, assess In this case, he said, the arguments used Negara Islam Indonesia (NII) to "persuade" potential target for charity, pay 'fidyah', and so forth, only present a fragment or the pieces of the verses of Al Quran or hadith.

While other parts of the verse or hadith that is used to "convince" prospective NII targets, he added, was not delivered in a comprehensive manner. "What emerges is an emotional understanding that comes to the conclusion in which the Islamic concept, the concept of hijrah, understood not as a whole. They ignore other elements that actually discussed logically and comprehensively in the Quran and hadith," he said.

In various mass media, he said, it is known that their main motive is not Islam or NII struggle to make profits but only an economic, material, and personal. According to him, this is seen clearly when there is a statement from the NII that ultimately they believe if Muslims do not need to pray or practice their religion obliged as Muslims generally.

"I do not remember who delivered. However, according to them (NII, ed.), Worship may be replaced with 'fidyah', alms, or infak," he said.

Therefore, the target is people who still lay on the understanding of religion, he said, people would seek somehow. "We often hear recruiters that (NII), suggesting its cadres so how do I search for infak or 'fidyah' even though the actual act which is prohibited by religion. Infaknya true because there is guidance, but the way he conducted with deceptive or prohibited acts of religion, I view this as a deviation of religious values, "he said.

Related huge mission that is considered as the end of their struggle in the form of the establishment of an Islamic state in Indonesia, he said, this is something that denies the reality of diversity in Indonesia. According to him, less likely to stand up an Islamic state in Indonesia since the basic concept and conditions of different communities with the countries of the Middle East.

Therefore, he said, the mission of the NII to establish an Islamic state would have clashed with the conditions of Indonesian society since the beginning constructed with the concept of Pancasila state. Being asked about efforts to anticipate the outbreak of Banyumas LDII understand NII especially young generation, Sarlan said, as a missionary institution, the institute continuously improve the understanding of religious guidance to the public.

"We also urge all people to increase understanding and knowledge of religious values ​​according to the guidance of Al Quran and hadith," he said.

In addition, he said, the public is also advised to be cautious and could differentiate the groups that have submitted on behalf of the community preaches Islamic studies. In this regard, he added, people have to trace back whether delivered the groups according to the arguments in Islam or is not appropriate.

According to him, this needs to be done because many of those who exploit religion for personal gain. "Our advice, when there is a teaching or group that is considered suspicious, talk to religious institutions and legal authorities such as the Indonesian Ulema Council," he said.

He said, understanding or propaganda strategy that made a propaganda group should be under the auspices and guidance of the MUI. "But usually, the action (NII) is done clandestinely, from one person to another, and target people who lay against religion. We should be suspicious if they see signs of people during the layman but suddenly changed very means, needs to watch out because the goods times has received the doctrines like that, "he said.

Nevertheless, he says, people are suggested to indirectly convict a doctrine as an evil cult because it has the right to determine the false doctrine or heresy is not authorized institution, such as the MUI. "If between groups may not, for example I am from LDII

states group were misled, it should not be. All of that should be'tabayun '(consult, ed.) To the institutions in charge, and allow the agency to categorize the teachings of which was prohibited or not, "said Sarlan.

Rabu, 11 Mei 2011

Islam is Beautiful

Do you ever feel in this life how beautiful Islam? If not, feel how happy it was a Muslim living under the auspices of the last religion, Islam. All the guidelines set out in Islamic life. This is the ultimate source of happiness from the Creator of the universe and its contents, including humans.

Islam as a peaceful means, then peace in the hearts of those who do not enjoy the shade of Islam is because Islam views the eye. Syumuliatul Islam (Perfection of Islam) is not perceived in him.
The beauty of Islam as can be felt in peribatan. How wonderful harmony with human nature in worship to Him. Few billion years the Sun has been serving the Almighty Creator with rises in the east and sets in the West. The sun still accompany every creature every day. He was never absent. Loyalty creature whose name the sun this creates a feeling of gratitude will feel pleasure in worship to Him.

When prostrating in prayer felt once shahdunya the umbrella of Islam peribatatan beauty every day. But of course the feeling of happiness can be enfolded to those who believe 100 percent going to the contents of the Islamic worldview.
Is not Allah SWT bless Dinul'VE Islam as our guide. Consider that the Essence of Who created all of us have given a guide who has been awarded with full and why are we still confused? We feel how the Supreme Rahman Allah with the following paragraph:

"Surely the religion (which approves) sight of Allah is Islam. no disputing the people who have received the Scripture except after knowledge came to them, because malice (that exists) between them. Anyone who disbelieve the revelations of Allah, then Allah is swift at reckoning. "(Surah Ali Imran: 19)

If the beauty of Islam has not been felt in the heart, then we need to consider whether these hearts are dry, whether the liver has never washed his verses. Was this care has been hard, do not yield to the rebound of his word who became our guide day-to-day. Islam will transfigure ourselves, make our life beautiful, beautiful make us all move forward.

Selasa, 01 Maret 2011

Three Kinds Rezeki

There are three kinds of sustenance:
1. Guaranteed sustenance
2. Measuring the sustenance
3. Sustenance hanged

Guaranteed sustenance is "eat", yes .. food is sustenance diamine by the almighty. The inability of somebody, insha allah cans still eat even with the mixed conditions are potluck.

Rejeki fortune derived from the work, mixed in every month in accordance with our work. In other words, to obtain a mixed fortune this is not too difficult. work, then this provision would come.

Sustenance sustenance hanged is indeed placed in high places, to get, people have to jump-jump, taking the stairs, using aircraft, spacecraft and even have to ride .. This is the sustenance in abundance, but can only be obtained by humans who want to try hard, using all its capabilities, innovation, brilliant ideas, and still hold fast to honesty. Insha Allah if the provision was reached, was incredible pleasure ..

Rabu, 05 Januari 2011

Islam and Capitalism

At what TV stations, radio show or internet news page, so you switch to the "Islamic extremism" tend to crop up with the Islamists against the negative aspects of such familiar terms with at least some would get one or two high chance. Maybe a little behind, but what? Who's driving the boat in a different direction and is a member of the Islamic faith?

Moyhim Uddin, one of the designers think we made a profit, we have, but the UK, focusing on the cause of Islam, it will donate 10% of "description, such as the International Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, such as "expect advertising and affiliate revenue from sales to the most. That the "Muslims are the most empathetic people on the planet, and they are just that they typically, for example credit card, that is, to shop is by doing the Muslim brothers can support the case, it is Islam with prejudice, but when they have IslamiCompare will come to use "will continue.

Or mortgage insurance, and displayed online - - negative interest or riba a key opposition Islamic faith, but this example does not apply for credit cards? "We know this, and we recognize this is. Primarily we Islamic products and Islamic consumer Halal financial option sourcing are working toward. But the market is really about these products lack and which Islamic charities with 10% rebuttal is . If you have a choice of Muslims, but "he or she is doing good work in them know that this process at least, non-Halal Mortgage

It is essentially directed toward the Muslim consumers, but it uses a price comparison site also can not stop some people of faith that is evident on the website. However, it still early days, such as integrated Internet marketing in a modern concept, between Islam and the West could happen if there are signs that IslamiCompare.com is a good example. It's tonsils - with a little cheek, according to the site, "Fight for Muslim consumption"

khilafah in Islam

  Khilafah is defined as a general leadership system for all Muslims in the world to apply Islamic laws and carry the message of Islam to al...